Dans la rubrique :

2017 State Examination: a month before the beginning of the tests in the Kasai area

Finalists from the provinces of Kasai, Central Kasai and part of Lomami province will not start the tests of the State exam this Monday, June 19 as is the case in the rest of the Democratic Republic of Congo. They will have to wait a month, the time for them to complete the programs. Gaston […]

Finalists from the provinces of Kasai, Central Kasai and part of Lomami province will not start the tests of the State exam this Monday, June 19 as is the case in the rest of the Democratic Republic of Congo. They will have to wait a month, the time for them to complete the programs.

Gaston Musemena, the Minister of Primary, Secondary and Vocational Education (Epsp), is the one who announced it during his visit to the Central Kongo.

This one-month extension will allow students to address the backlog caused by the eight months violence by Kamwina Nsapu militiamen, causing the deaths of hundreds of people and over a million of the displaced.

According to the Minister of Primary, Secondary and Vocational Education, examinations will take place once the psychological conditions are met.

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