Dans la rubrique :

North-Kivu: Several hundred displaced households assisted with food and non-food items by women of faith

The Non-Governmental Organization women of faith, with the support of its partner the Stirling Foundation, provided food and non-food assistance to several hundred displaced households from Rutshuru territory following clashes between the army loyalist army and the rebels of the M23 with their allies and who are quartered in the territory of Nyiragongo. This handover […]

The Non-Governmental Organization women of faith, with the support of its partner the Stirling Foundation, provided food and non-food assistance to several hundred displaced households from Rutshuru territory following clashes between the army loyalist army and the rebels of the M23 with their allies and who are quartered in the territory of Nyiragongo.

This handover made this Thursday, December 8, 2022 was launched by the Governor of North Kivu represented by his senior adviser in charge of Humanitarian Actions, in the presence of the head of division in charge of social affairs and several authorities.

The coordinator of Women of Faith, Nadine Élima Banze appealed to the beneficiaries to be in turn animated by a spirit of sharing and charity because it is not everyone who has been selected for this assistance, d where sharing with the neighbors would be a good gesture.
She also invited her partner the Stirling Foundation not to get tired of providing support to the needy because the need to be covered is still enormous.

The provincial government hailed this commendable gesture from its partners, which helps to relieve the ordeal that the thousands of displaced people who fled the terrorist attacks are going through.

He nevertheless appealed to responsible use to the beneficiaries.

Having each received a parcel consisting of a bag of rice, flour, beans, 5 liters of oil, 3 bars of soap, sugar, salt and transport costs, the beneficiaries lacked the words to express their joy.
For the latter, this assistance is a sigh of relief for their lifestyle.

This distribution was preceded by training and various field trips to identify and register the beneficiaries in their sites.

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