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Avast Secure Browser

The programmers of one of the most popular absolutely free antivirus applications in the world have got recently designed a Chromium-based internet browser with a one of a kind focus on online privacy and security. Avast Secure Internet browser features a number of built-in equipment that positively protect your computer data and personal details from […]

The programmers of one of the most popular absolutely free antivirus applications in the world have got recently designed a Chromium-based internet browser with a one of a kind focus on online privacy and security. Avast Secure Internet browser features a number of built-in equipment that positively protect your computer data and personal details from viruses, phishing, and also other threats although also visit site optimizing your browsing experience.

The Avast Secure Web browser offers a clean and smart design that focuses on a few possibilities of your web pages. The streamlined interface provides a distraction-free and visually attractive surfing experience that is certainly simple to use pertaining to users of most skill levels. The browser comes with a comprehensive pair of navigation tools including a social bookmarks bar and a Rate Dial that enable users to create shortcuts for their beloved websites meant for quick access. Users can also decide on a variety of customizable themes that allow them to further customize the look and feel with their browser.

The most significant features included in Avast Secure Browser include a great ad-blocker that reduces the volume of ads exhibited on your webpages and considerably improves page load times. The browser as well uses HTTPS encryption to ensure that your data is normally securely sent over the internet, guarding your individual information from hackers and ensuring your privacy. Furthermore to these features, the browser also includes a Bank Mode that dampens your online banking activity into a separate personal pc environment, guarding it from malware and phishing disorders.

Avast Protected Browser is available for down load on equally desktop and mobile devices, allowing users to enjoy a consistent browsing experience across multiple platforms. The browser also supports a wide range of Chromium extensions, providing additional functionality and personalization options just for users.

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