Dans la rubrique :

Etienne Tshisekedi’s substitute as Chairman of the Monitoring Council of the agreement is known

He will not be a bishop. The acting secretary general of the National Episcopal Conference of Congo, Father Nshole, declared it on a German radio. He said that the future President of the Council of Sages of the Rally of the Opposition will naturally take the place that was to belong to Etienne Tshisekedi-dead on […]

He will not be a bishop. The acting secretary general of the National Episcopal Conference of Congo, Father Nshole, declared it on a German radio. He said that the future President of the Council of Sages of the Rally of the Opposition will naturally take the place that was to belong to Etienne Tshisekedi-dead on 1 February 2017-, that is to say, the Presidency of the National Monitoring Council Of the agreement of 31 December.

« You will not see anywhere in the Agreement where the name of Etienne Tshisekedi is mentioned as Chairman of the National Monitoring Council of the agreement. It is to the President of the Council of Sages that the post is due, « Abbe Nshole told the Bavarian media, according to the report by Top Congo. The prelate also wanted to deny any reference to any participation of Cenco members in the next government team.

Moreover, the secretary of the Episcopal Conference made it clear that the bishops will not abandon the discussions in progress as long as no agreement on all points is found. « We will not disengage until there is an agreement. We realized that it would be irresponsible for the bishops to abandon mediation, « he insisted.

Since the death of the President of the Council of Sages of the Rassemblement Etienne Tshisekedi more than a week ago, there were questions about who should take his place at the head of the body responsible for monitoring the application of the Agreement as planned. The component of origin of the new Chairman of the Monitoring Council of the Agreement was seen by some as an issue to be renegotiated. With the intervention of the Cenco through its Secretary General, there is no longer any doubt about it. It remains to be seen if the different parties will hear it from this ear.

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