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The body of Etienne Tshisekedi in Kinshasa this Friday

The Belgian capital gave Etienne Tshisekedi homage worthy of the man he was during his lifetime. A man adored by the crowds. It is the mourning of a statesman that took place this weekend in Brussels. From Friday, February 3rd to Sunday, February 5th, thousands of people came to pay their last respects to one […]

The Belgian capital gave Etienne Tshisekedi homage worthy of the man he was during his lifetime. A man adored by the crowds. It is the mourning of a statesman that took place this weekend in Brussels. From Friday, February 3rd to Sunday, February 5th, thousands of people came to pay their last respects to one who has been for more than thirty years the leader of the opposition in the Democratic Republic of Congo. They came from all over the Europe and even from the Americas to pay homage to the historic opponent whose body arrives this Friday in the Congolese capital.

During these three days of mourning, several personalities made the trip to greet for the last time the one whom the Congolese affectionately called « Ya Tshitshi » (the elder Tshitshi). The Congolese of the diaspora, the Congolese personalities, the Belgian officials took part in these funeral tributes. The former first lady of Zaire, the widow Mobutu, Didier Reynders went to sympathize with Mother Marthe Tshisekedi in private. In the photos we could see the widow Tshisekedi in their company.

Le ministre belge des affaires étrangères et la veuve Tshisekedi
Le ministre belge des affaires étrangères et la veuve Tshisekedi


In Heysel Palace 2, other personalities as well as the entire Congolese community also flocked to the place that the Belgian municipality has made available to the Tshisekedi family, to mourn the president of the Council of Sages of the Rally of the opposition. Jean-Claude Mvuemba, the former governor of Katanga Moses Katumbi, Olivier Kamitatu, Nzanga Mobutu, former prime minister and current president of the Belgian socialist party Elio Di Rupo, the wife of Senator Jean-Pierre Bemba … were present.

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