Dans la rubrique :

The Revamp of the Rassemblement: Heirs of E. Tshisekedi in Search of Ways to Regain Harmony and Balance

A few days ago KINSHASATIMES.CD announced the new configuration of the ruling components of the Rassemblement, the largest platform of the opposition in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Three bodies were to be set up, namely the political presidency, the higher organ, the council of elders and the coordination of actions. An organizational overhaul […]

A few days ago KINSHASATIMES.CD announced the new configuration of the ruling components of the Rassemblement, the largest platform of the opposition in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Three bodies were to be set up, namely the political presidency, the higher organ, the council of elders and the coordination of actions. An organizational overhaul that brought dissatisfaction within this platform. Four bodies instead of three were reinstated for more consensus.

The President, the Council of Elders, the Coordination of Actions, and the Disciplinary and Arbitration Board are the four guiding structures of the Rassemblement as stipulated in the new supplementary document of the act of commitment of Genval.

The President is the spokesperson of the platform, this one represents it to third parties and arbitrates disputes between components or members. In case of absence, he shall designate a temporary substitute.

Council of Elders

The Council of Elders is made of 43 members according to the following quota: UDPS (12), G7 (8), Dynamique (8), AR (4), CAT (4), CR (2), Front du peuple (2), G14 (1), MPP (1), Civil Society (2). It is the framework for consultation and the body for guidance, control and decision-making.

The council of elders is headed by a president assisted by three deputies. Its chairman will lead the national monitoring Council of the agreement/CNSA in accordance with the spirit of the letter of the said agreement.

Coordination of Actions

It elaborates and proposes to the president of the council of elders the actions to be carried out on the ground and executes them. This coordination includes a plenary and an office. The plenary is composed of representatives of all the components according to their political influence.

The Disciplinary and Arbitration Board

As a disciplinary and dispute resolution body, the Disciplinary Board assists the President in the proper conduct of the Rassemblement. It consists of one representative from each component of the Rassemblement.

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