Former Governor of Katanga had  his permission to traval abroad  for medical reasons withdrawn from him by the prosecutor general’s office. The decision was made in a letter from the State Prosecutor General Flory Kabange Numbi dated 20 June 2017 and sent to the barrister in charge of Moise Katumbi’s defense.

« I regret to inform you that your client has not complied with the duty of reservation imposed on him in respect of the facts which gave rise to the investigation of the current judicial case in accordance with paragraph two of my letter addressed to you on May 20, 2016,  » the letter says.

On the basis of that letter, the Prosecutor General « withdraws » from Katumbi the permission granted to him on 20 May 2016″, thereby inviting him to appear before the magistrate in charge of his  case upon receipt of the letter.