The UDPS Federation in the United Kingdom is organising a meeting to celebrate two very important anniversaries in the life of the Party, namely 38 years of the Party’s existence and a year of Fatshi as leader of the Democratic Republic of Congo

On Saturday 29 February, from 4 to 6 p.m., at the City Life International Church 1 South Parade, Shalesmoor, Shelffield S3 8SS, the UDPS Federation in the United Kingdom, the spearhead of the Party in the Congolese diaspora, is organising a meeting to celebrate two anniversaries that they consider very important in the life of […]

On Saturday 29 February, from 4 to 6 p.m., at the City Life International Church 1 South Parade, Shalesmoor, Shelffield S3 8SS, the UDPS Federation in the United Kingdom, the spearhead of the Party in the Congolese diaspora, is organising a meeting to celebrate two anniversaries that they consider very important in the life of their cherished Party, following Kinshasa on 15 February at the Martyrs’ Stadium and some Provincial Federations, such as that of South Kivu.

Indeed, 38 years day for day, from 15 February 1982 to 15 February 2020, the Party dear to the current Head of State of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Felex Tshisekedi, has totalled 38 years. However, more than a month earlier, on 24 January, the Head of State had just completed one year at the head of the country. That’s why Kinshasa organised this grandiose event that we witnessed at the Martyrs’ stadium, and why some Provincial Federations were also mobilized on the same date. This is also the reason why the Federation of the United Kingdom is organising the above-mentioned meeting at the above-mentioned place and date.

According to Mr Camille MOLEKE MBANDA, Mobilization Officer of the New Castle Section, from whom we have this information, « the Federal Committee will be available at the miscellaneous sessions to answer all questions relating to the activities of the Federation ». He also specifies that « the New Castle Section will be part of this event and will be led by its President, Mr VIANNEY MALADIKA. »

« the presence of all is strongly wished », thus concludes the announcement.

For the Federal Committee of the UDPS in the United Kingdom, Engineer Alain KABUIKA, Secretary in charge of the organization and Head of the Department

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