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Foot: Sanga Balende a présenté ses recrues


20160501_152943Sa Majesté Sanga Balende de Mbuji-Mayi a présenté dimanche 18 septembre ses nouveaux joueurs, au stade Tshikisha, en présence de ses nombreux supporters.

Il s’agit de Bukasa Kanku venu de Shark Club XI, et Piscas Mohindo, ancien sociétaire de l’AS Dauphin noir. Mukoko Mayayi, transfuge du DCMP, arrive dans la capitale provinciale du Kasaï-Oriental, mardi 20 septembre, selon des sources proches du club.

RDC: les travaux du dialogue reportés à mardi


r56a0069Les travaux du dialogue national prévus ce lundi 19 septembre sont reportés à mardi, a annoncé la Radiotélévision nationale congolaise (RTNC) a annoncé dans son journal de la mi-journée. La raison de ce report n’a pas été révélée.

L’opposant Martin Fayulu blessé lors des manifestations à Kinshasa


img_0084L’opposant Martin Fayulu a été blessé à la tête lors des heurts qui ont éclaté au cours de la manifestation de l’opposition lundi 19 septembre à Kinshasa.

Honoré Nvula, son collaborateur affirme que le député Fayulu a reçu un projectile. Sans donner plus de détails sur l’incident, il indique que Martin Fayulu est actuellement soigné dans un hôpital de Kinshasa.

L’opposant Martin Fayulu blessé lors des manifestations à Kinshasa


Le ministre de l’Intérieur, Evariste Boshab, a annoncé que les violences qui ont secoué Kinshasa suite à la manifestation de l’opposition ont fait 17 morts dont 3 policiers et 14 civils ainsi que des dégâts matériels importants. Les opposants qui ont organisé la manifestation ont livré un bilan plus élevé, 25 morts.

M. Boshab a dénoncé « un mouvement insurrectionnel qui s’est soldé par un échec ».

« Alors que nous nous attendions à une manifestation organisée par les partis politiques et associations qui se réclament de l’opposition politique, ce sont des cocktails Molotov, armes à feu, barricades, qui ont accueilli les agents de l’ordre », a déclaré le ministre.

En plus du bilan humain, Evariste Boshab a également fait état de plusieurs dégâts matériels enregistrés, citant notamment des sièges de partis vandalisés et des centres médicaux mis à sac.

Evariste Boshab a annoncé des suites judiciaires pour les incidents qui se sont produits ce lundi dans la capitale congolaise.

« Ceux qui ont été à la base de ces actes criminels doivent savoir qu’ils n’échapperont pas à la rigueur de la loi sans omettre les suites civiles des biens qu’ils ont endommagés », a-t-il fait savoir.

Giving life is a life-threatening business to DRC women

A view of the health centre in Kindele
A view of the health centre in Kindele

I wanted to write this short story following two field missions I was part of with an international NGO operating in the DRC in the child sector. Being a professional interpreter for English, French and a number of Congolese dialects, I often find myself at the forefront of activities that give a first-hand understanding of what is happening in the not-so-posh parts of the country.

Typical traffic in a typical African megacity


AAEAAQAAAAAAAAgJAAAAJGY2MDFmYWNjLTJlMDgtNDIyMi1iYmE4LTJkYmI4NjQ4Yjg5ZgIt is 14 hours on Boulevard du 30 Juin, the main avenue in Kinshasa, capital of the Democratic Republic of Congo. The bumper-to-bumper massive traffic grinds the whole flow of vehicles to a halt. Every other three to five minutes. 

In DRC word of mouth is everything: testimonials change opinions about family planning


Untitled-design-10-1170x501The clinic’s massive courtyard is filled with women and small babies cradled, toddling, jumping and most other action verbs.

Children cry and roosters crow while M.J. talks to 50 women seated on cement benches under a hot tin roof outside the Salvation Army’s Centre De Sante Bomoi clinic in Kinshasa, DRC.

Yannick Bolasie signs for Everton from Crystal Palace for £25m


4500Yannick Bolasie has signed for Everton on a five-year deal after passing a medical on Merseyside in a £25m transfer, which could potentially rise to a club record £30m.

The Democratic Republic of Congo winger, who came off the bench in Crystal Palace’s 1-0 home defeat to West Bromwich Albion on Saturday, had made clear his desire for a fresh start after four years at Selhurst Park.

“I’m looking forward to putting on the Everton shirt,” Bolasie told the Everton website. “This is a big club and I know all about it from having played against them over the years.

“For me, it was a no-brainer to come here. But now that I’ve come to Everton, the job is not done. I’ve got to work hard and feel my way in. I’m ready and up for the challenge.”

Bristol City, who sold Bolasie to Palace in 2012 for only £350,000, are due a substantial windfall having inserted a sizeable sell-on fee into the original move.

The Palace manager Alan Pardew was a reluctant seller but accepted Bolasie’s “heart and soul may be elsewhere” after Everton formally lodged their interest last week.

He told the Palace website: “We are very sorry to lose Yannick, he has played a massive part in the success of the club since he joined four years ago and it is with a heavy heart that we say goodbye. He has been a pleasure to work with and a true professional around the team, with an infectious personality which we will miss around the club.

“Nonetheless this is a move that Yannick was keen to make and we have agreed a deal with Everton. He has been an iconic figure at Selhurst Park and we thank him for his contribution”.

Bolasie added: “It’s not about the money for me. It’s about looking at the ambition of the club and where they are trying to get to. I just like to play football.

“I just like to play football and it’s going to be really interesting to learn from someone like Ronald Koeman, who was obviously a top centre-back as a player and he played with some of the best players in the world.

“The club has made good signings, players like Ashley Williams who I know well – and I know that I’ve joined a club that not only has lots of quality players but one that produces lots of quality players, like Ross Barkley, as well.

“This season is going to be very interesting and I’m looking forward to being part of it here at Everton.”

The Everton manager Koeman said: “Yannick is a player who has been a long time on my radar because he’s the type of winger I like – fast, strong and he can play different positions in the forward line. He’s a really good signing for the club.

“At 27, he’s a good age and he has experience in the Premier League. He will give strength to the team and I’m very pleased to have Yannick as part of what we are trying to build here at Everton.”

The Guardian

Former Fifa president Joao Havelange has died at the age of 100.


902072-l-ancien-president-de-la-fifa-le-bresilien-joao-havelange-presente-la-candidature-de-rio-aux-jo-2016The Brazilian was predecessor to Sepp Blatter at world football’s governing body, serving from 1974 to 1998.

He resigned as Fifa’s honorary president in April 2013 following an investigation into bribery allegations and was admitted to hospital the following year with a lung infection.

He was an International Olympic Committee (IOC) member from 1963 until 2011, resigning because of ill health.

« He had one idea in his head, to make football a global game with his slogan ‘football is the universal language’, and he succeeded, » said former Fifa president Sepp Blatter.

Havelange represented Brazil in swimming at the 1936 Olympics – the year he qualified as a lawyer – before his election to the IOC.

As Fifa president he led the World Cup’s expansion from 16 to 32 teams, with six competitions held under his tenure.

However, his career was also mired in controversy over bribery allegations.

In 2010, a BBC Panorama programme accused Havelange and son-in-law Ricardo Teixeira of taking millions of dollars in bribes from Swiss marketing agency International Sport and Leisure (ISL) to retain the company as Fifa’s sole official marketer.

His resignation from the IOC five years ago avoided an investigation into the ISL allegations, which Havelange had denied.

In 2012, Teixeira stepped down as head of Brazil’s football federation, a position he filled for 23 years, and resigned from the 2014 World Cup organising committee after coming under pressure over corruption allegations, which he also denied.

As well as swimming at the 1936 Olympics, Havelange was part of the Brazilian water polo team at the 1952 Helsinki Games and was chef de mission for the Brazilian delegation at the 1956 Olympics in Melbourne.

And it was as a sports administrator, particularly in football, that Havelange made his mark.

He embarked on a career which began as president of the Metropolitan Swimming Federation in Brazil. He also became a member of the Brazilian Olympic Committee and joined the International Cycling Union in 1958.

After becoming vice-president of the Brazilian Sports Confederation, he served as president from 1958 to 1973, before he became the most powerful man in world football.

In 1974 he succeeded Britain’s Sir Stanley Rous to be elected Fifa president, marshalling support among those unhappy at the perceived European domination of the world governing body.

An imposing figure, with piercing blue eyes, his astuteness as a politician and his adeptness at retaining power enabled him to hold the Fifa presidency for 24 years until being succeeded by Blatter in 1998.

When Havelange was elected president, Fifa’s Zurich headquarters housed just 12 staff members. But that figure increased almost tenfold over the next two decades as Fifa’s organisational responsibilities and commercial interests grew.

Increasing the size of the World Cup to 32 teams gave countries from Asia, Oceania and Africa the chance to shine on the world stage, Cameroon becoming the first African country to reach the quarter-finals in 1990.

It was Havelange who launched a wave of new tournaments, notably the world championships at Under-17 and Under-20 level in the late 1980s and the Fifa Confederations Cup and Fifa Women’s World Cup at the start of the 1990s.

With the BBC

DRC: Chronicle of a crisis foretold?


22787237222_9f3328a481_bA reflection on the political climate in the Democratic Republic of the Congo by Sébastien Brack, Political Officer at the Kofi Annan Foundation.

According to its constitution, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is supposed to organise presidential elections by the end of the year, but it is increasingly obvious that the deadline will not be met. The question putting the whole country on tenterhooks at the moment is what happens next? Is the DRC heading towards another crisis?

DRC football team gains three points in FIFA ranking


IMG_8307In FIFA global ranking issued on 12 August 2016, the DRC team gained three points, rising from last year’s 59th to the current 56th rank.

In Africa, the country maintained its 9th rank right before Cape Verde. Below is the list of the FIFA top ten African teams:


DRC has two members in the Refugee Olympic Team


04OLYMPICSweb2-master675Yolande Mabika and Popole Misenga were members of the Congolese judo team at the 2013 world championships in in Rio in when they decided to escape.

Only Congolese judoka in Rio Olympics lost in the last sixteen


Congolese judoka, Rodrick Kuku Ndongala was the first DRC athlete to compete at Rio Olympic game on 7 August 2016. He lost to Dominican contended Wander Mateo.

Is the dialogue still possible in the DRC?


Opposition-UNC5For better or worse, the political scene in the DRC increasingly resembles a zero-sum chess game.

No one any more believes it will be possible to hold presidential and legislative polls by the end of this year. Neither does anyone attempt speculating on what the coming five months hold in store.  In this continent-sized country of 70 million inhabitants, 40 million voters, 26 provinces and 700 political parties, not a single election ever was held within the set deadline since the country became independent.

Olympic Games officially start in Rio with the opening ceremony at the Maracana Stadium


Athletes from 206 nations and a refugee team are in Brazil to compete in 28 sports and be watched by a global audience of billions.

OSISA invites grant applications for 2016


Jeudi, Mars 31st. 2016

The changing political landscape in our region requires a robust response from civil society. In 2014, OSISA developed a new five-year strategy that speaks to our changing context and has opened its first call to receive grant applications for the 2016 strategy year. We are open to receive applications under this call until the 31 March 2016.

Pollution des eaux de la rivière Kasaï: Le député Guy Mafuta saisit le gouvernement

Le député national, Guy Mafuta Kabongo a dans une correspondance, adressée à la Vice-Première ministre de l’Environnement et développement durable, au Ministre de Pêche et élevage, au Ministre national de la Santé et à celui de la Coopération internationale et intégration régionale, tiré la sonnette d’alarme sur la situation de la pollution de la rivière Kasaï, en ville de Tshikapa, en province du Kasaï.

Dans sa correspondance, déposée ce lundi 9 août 2012, l’élu de Tshikapa a enjoint tous les éléments liés à la pollution des eaux de rivières Tshikapa et Kasaï, auprès de la ministre chargée de l’Environnement, Madame Eve Bazaiba.

Guy Mafuta alerte le gouvernement central sur la nécessité des recherches scientifiques. « Il est grand temps d’agir promptement et efficacement, avant que le pire arrive… », a-t-il écrit.

La désaltération des eaux de rivières serait due à la présence de substance toxique résiduelle, d’une entreprise d’exploitation de diamant, dans une province se trouvant dans l’un de nos pays limitrophes affirment des sources non – officielles, mais concordantes.

Cependant la capitale Kinoise ne serait pas épargnée explique t-il. « Cette calamité toxique se propage dans d’autres rivières et aurait déjà atteint la province du Kwilu par Ilebo; Kinshasa n’est pas épargnée, sachant que la rivière Kasaï est un grand affluent du fleuve Congo ».

Face à cette situation, une mission conjointe et mixte entre les ministères concernés est requise pour déterminer les causes de ce drame, évaluer les dégâts environnementaux et humains et apporter les solutions qui s’imposent.

Zanga Ryu’Zaki (stagiaire)

COVID-19/RDC: Kinshasa assure un approvisionnement en produits agro-alimentaires

Le Gouvernement central a examiné ce lundi 30 mars dans une réunion animée par le premier ministre, Sylvestre Ilunga Ilukamba, à la primature, la question de la pénurie agroalimentaire dans les Grands centres de consommation entre Kinshasa et toutes les grandes villes du pays.

Quelques membres du gouvernement ont pris part à cette réunion, notamment les Ministres des Transports et Voies des communications, de l’Agriculture, du Développement Rural, de Pêche et Élevage, de l’Industrie, et la Ministre près le Premier Ministre ainsi que les délégués de la présidence à savoir le Directeur de cabinet Adjoint du chef de l’Etat à l’Ecofin et le Conseiller principal à l’Ecofin.

Une décision d’une mise en place d’un mécanisme a été prise pour assurer l’approvisionnement des grandes villes en produits agro-alimentaires par les périphéries, dans un bref délai pour permettre la stabilité des prix sur le marché.

Les dispositions sont prises pour que les organisations qui sont déjà identifiées dans le cadre de leur coopération avec les coopératives agricoles puissent approvisionner la ville de Kinshasa en produits agro-alimentaires, a déclaré le Ministre de l’Industrie.

C’est grâce à cette initiative que les spéculations et taxations anarchiques des prix sur les produits de consommation de masse, va cependant prendre fin.

Cependant, le premier ministre possède à la mise en place des dispositifs de préventions. Les producteurs et agriculteurs locaux bénéficient des dispositifs adaptés afin d’acheminer leurs produits de consommation de masse dans les meilleures délais et éviter des pertes.