The Muslims of the Kingabwa Mosque in the commune of Limete closed with great pomp on June 25, « Ramadan », a month of fasting and prayer, according to the linear calendar.

In this mosque, the atmosphere was at the rendezvous in order to give to this day all its brilliance. Around 9 o’clock, the installation was finished and everything was ready to celebrate this great event, which testifies to the submission of the followers of Islam to the Quranic recommendations.

Thus, it all began with the prayer of Si Alat-Id (The Feast of Prayer).

« We celebrate this feast just at the end of fasting. Islam has three festivals. This is the one celebrated every Friday. It is the feast for us Muslims after the third day of fasting that is called Aid El ftr. That is to say the feast of the rupture. Or the festival of slaughtering commonly called Tabaski. And the third feast is the Demanda, » said Hassan Sindani, Iimam holder of the Kingabwa mosque.

During Ramadan, he explains, Muslims are invited to fast, except those who are sick. Also, pregnant women, those who are in menstruation, are called to abstain.

During this month, the Imam continues, all pious Muslims observe dignified behavior. They abstain from committing all sins in general.

« Ramadan purifies us … it is a school of learning good works. Ramadan makes us inherit paradise. That is why joy is immense. And you will see the others celebrating all night. The restaurants in Kinshasa are invaded because people think they should celebrate … « , added the person in charge of the Mosque of Kingabwa, before adding that among the Muslims, Lent is considered the guest, who does not come Only once a year.

Finally, Imam Hassan Sindani emphasizes that during Ramadan, the Muslim must observe good behavior in order to be in direct contact with Allah. It was before exhorting his brothers and sisters of the mosques to keep all the rewards, of which they were beneficiaries.