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OSISA invites grant applications for 2016

Deadline: Jeudi, Mars 31st. 2016 The changing political landscape in our region requires a robust response from civil society. In 2014, OSISA developed a new five-year strategy that speaks to our changing context and has opened its first call to receive grant applications for the 2016 strategy year. We are open to receive applications under […]

Jeudi, Mars 31st. 2016

The changing political landscape in our region requires a robust response from civil society. In 2014, OSISA developed a new five-year strategy that speaks to our changing context and has opened its first call to receive grant applications for the 2016 strategy year. We are open to receive applications under this call until the 31 March 2016.

OSISA supports innovative programmes working towards open society ideals and which advocate for these ideals in southern Africa. The programmes we support will look beyond immediate symptoms and seek to address structural problems that reproduce poverty, inequality, exclusion and discrimination.

For the 2016 strategy year, OSISA invites proposals from civil society, community or state actors from our region for the following programme priority areas:  –

  • Human Rights, Access to Justice and the Rule of Law
  • Democracy and Governance
  • Social and Economic Justice
  • Natural Resources Governance
  • Youth Arts and Culture
  • Women’s Rights

To apply, organisations and entities operating and registered in southern Africa need to complete and submit the OSISA 2016 Grant Application Form (with annexures) using only one of the following channels:

  1. Online OSISA 2016 Grant Application Form completed and submitted directly from this website.
  2. Downloadable OSISA 2016 Grant Application Form completed and submitted by email to [email protected]
  3. Downloadable OSISA 2016 Grant Application Form printed, completed and mailed for the attention of the Grant Making Unit to Open Society Initiative for Southern Africa, PO Box 678, Wits 2050.
  4. Downloadable OSISA 2016 Grant Application Form completed and faxed to +27 (0)11 5875099 for the attention of the Grant Proposals Unit of the Open Society Initiative for Southern Africa.

In our grant making, OSISA recognises that there are some emerging and other leading civil society groups and formations such as community-based organisations and social movements operating in our region, which are not formally registered entities. We are willing to consider concept proposals from such unregistered and informal groups and formations that, if approved, may then be further developed into fully-fledged grant proposals for consideration. Non-registered groups and formations may submit OSISA 2016 Concept Proposal Forms for consideration by OSISA using only one of the following channels:

  1. Online OSISA 2016 Concept Proposal Form completed and submitted directly from this website.
  2. Downloadable  OSISA 2016 Concept Proposal Form completed and submitted by email to [email protected]
  3. Downloadable OSISA 2016 Concept Proposal Form printed, completed and mailed for the attention of the Grant Proposals Unit to Open Society Initiative for Southern Africa, PO Box 678, Wits 2050
  4. Downloadable OSISA 2016 Concept Proposal Form printed, completed and  faxed to…. for attention of the Grant Proposals Unit of the Open Society Initiative for Southern Africa

OSISA issues open calls for funding applications twice a year and our board sits to consider grants three times over a year. The current call closes on 31 March 2016.

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