Bertrand de Crombrugghe de Picquendaele, Ambassador of Belgium in the DRC, took part in the Hackathon of Kinshasa, #HacKin. The event took place from 30 June to 1 July 2017, in Kazi, a digital incubator located in Kinshasa. 

In an exclusive interview with KINSHASATIMES.CD, the Belgian diplomat, a digital enthusiast, recognized that this sector constitutes a breeding ground for the development of the DRC.

Asked why he took part in the closure of HacKin, Ambassador Bertrand replied that the digital sector can provide solutions that can improve the daily life of the Kinshasa inhabitants.

« … I found there a group of young people who, for 48 hours, have developed projects that, thanks to digital applications, can improve the daily lot of the Kinshasa inhabitants. And it is extraordinary to see the energy that they put in their business, but also the ideas, the imagination, the creativity, which we have found in the 8 projects … « , noted the Belgian diplomat.